How do you subscribe to a CHANNEL on YouTube?


Do you know how to subscribe to a “CHANNEL” on YouTube?  Why would you want to? If you want free, customized content from your favorite news outlets, entertainers, comedians, influencers, teachers, sports personalities and creators delivered right to you then keep reading.  The amount of content available on YouTube is astonishing.  Everything from news to original content and instructional videos.  The top videos on YouTube are the “how to…” videos.  There are approximately 500 hours of content uploaded every minute.

In order to start following and subscribed to YouTube channels you will need a Gmail (Personal Gmail of G Suite) account, which is free if you don’t already have one, and you are all set.  Login to your Gmail account and start searching.


Once you find a channel or influencer you enjoy click on the SUBSCRIBE button.  By subscribing to a YouTube channel, you will see videos from those channels in your feed.  Subscribing also informs YouTube as to what type of content you enjoy, which allows them to provided other recommended videos.  According to an article posted by Hootsuite, 70% of what people watch on YouTube is determined by its recommendation algorithm.

If you click on the bell right next to the subscribe button you will be notified via your Gmail email account when that channel uploads a new video.

Notifications on

YouTube is free and they offer a paid service called “YouTube Red” which is a paid subscription that runs about $12.00 for month and limits commercials and allows you to download videos to your devices for offline viewing.

 YouTube is an interactive platform and most of the people and companies running channels will respond to and answer questions that you leave in the comments.

I run two channels on YouTube. Links below…

Santoni - Investigations & Backgrounds

 Tim Santoni

If you have any questions, please let me know.